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Nuclear can not be built on partial information

Tuumainfo (Nuclear info) portal disseminates fact-based information about technical, economical, environmental, health-related, social and many other aspects of theoretical small modular nuclear reactors in order to balance public discussions on the building, operating and waste managing of nuclear power in Estonia and elsewhere. Read about the background and various risks related to small modular reactors and what are the actual solutions to the pressing energy questions. 

Estonia is not a nuclear country, but a group of local nuclear enthusiasts from a start-up Fermi Energia are lobbying the government to support the idea of constructing one of the first experimental small modular nuclear reactors anywhere in the world on the shores of the Baltic sea in the early 2030s. With US venture capital and nuclear lobbying firm Last Energy and Tractebel from Belgium among shareholders and in cooperation with Vattenfall of Sweden, VTT and Fortum of Finland, the questionable idea is gaining speed. Environmental NGO Estonian Green Movement (Friends of the Earth Estonia) has created this website to gather information about this plan and its shortcomings.